A Selection From The Entekosiaddi Rehti has previously been published in Einkorn Field Fire and Selves: A Magazine of the New Multiverse. She lives with her wives in Rhigos. – This story starts and ends with the radio, as so much of my generation's stories do. Probably they got there earlier in Nochet and Casino Town, but we didn't start getting the tiny portables until I was a kid. After that, everyone had theirs tucked under the pillow. The single-station radios in the shops were cheaper, too, so that's what our parents would get for us. In Jorsh when I was a kid, you could get RNLD in green, CLDR in red, and tucked in between a row of NTKS. Well, orange was my favorite color, so I picked that, and then I was an NTKS girl and that was that. Of course, I wasn't alone. Everyone at school who wore orange on the uniform-free Fridays, who had Air bangles and Harmony hair clips, those were my people. There were more colors when we moved to Rhigos - better reception – and ev...