I have often thought that the greatest weakness of our Goddess Sedenya is that She is marked by magnanimity and kindness in equal proportion to her selfishness and cruelty. When she defeated the older gods at Castle Blue, what she extracted from them was an expansion of the universe to create a place for her and for those of her kind. She did not displace anything, she did not demand the forcible incorporation of the remnant Blue Moon, she did not remake the Air, she did not demand submission, only acceptance of her existence. Oh, tyrants can never prosper for long, in the grand scheme of things. Her reign would have been foreshortened as those of Orlanth and Yelm the Second were. But if, as now seems increasingly likely, all that we have been, all that we have made over the past four hundred years and change, shall be obliterated from the world, made as if it never were, and its remnants perverted and despoiled, would not it have been better if She had ruled in justice that trans...
Exploring Glorantha one Travel and Journey at a time. Remembering that We are all Us.