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Showing posts from December, 2020

Regiments, Battalia, and Corps: Dissecting the Lunar Army

The Lunar Army had, for the majority of its existence, precisely two advantages over its opposition. Firstly, it had the Lunar Way and the ability to combine magicians of assorted types into consolidated magical units, which enabled the Lunar Army to consistently pull magical surprises out of its back pocket, even when (as was often the case) the raw power of its opposition was somewhat greater. Examples of this are well-known in the specialist literature. The ability of the magicians during the Second Invasion of Prax to use their Lodril priests to suppress the summoned Oakfed Lowfire stands in for the type.  Secondly, however, the Lunar Army spread this consolidation somewhat into the conventional units, allowing them to create heterogeneous tactical and operational forces, where existing armies fought with homogeneous subunits that operated separately from one another. This consolidation proceeded only fitfully and in very limited quantities. It was as often a hindrance as a ben...

Two New Rune Spells

  The following spells are provided here for three reasons: 1) in case you really want defined game mechanics for trans characters to get the body they desire, 2) as an expression of bemusement at the "Pregnancy" spell in the recently-released Red Book of Magic, 3) as an excuse to talk about transness in Glorantha.  Freemartin Fertility, Movement 3 points Ritual, Permanent, Nonstackable This spell enables the target to become capable of impregnating people if they could not otherwise do so. This spell does not permit interspecies pregnancies on its own.  Flowing Body Water, Illusion 1 point Ritual, Permanent, Stackable This spell operates in a special fashion. When cast using a single Rune Point, this spell causes the target's body to change shape in accordance with a desired vision along gendered norms. This does not alter any characteristics (eg SIZ), but does allow them to make their body more masculine, more feminine, or more androgynous in a particular fashion. They ...