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Showing posts from August, 2023

Ostraca at an Exhibition

 "Prince Argrath is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever met in my life."  -Harmast Fumblefingers, reformed Lunar, ten seconds after someone mentioned Argrath's name.  "They're putting phytoesrolians in the water that're turning the frickin' frogs gay!" -Iskandar Jonesius, of the Prince's household, commenting on Newtling marriage. "Don't you worry, Prince Argrath, these Seven Mothers hippie pinkos, faggots, and girldykes are incapable of knocking over a food cart, and we've got five thousand of the stormiest bullyboys ready to pound 'em into the gravel if they so much as think about a drum circle." -Iason Edgarios Hooveron, Director of Sartar Internal Security  "To all our wayward daughters: The day is arriving when we shall rise up and LIBERATE Dragon Pass from this Argrath Dragontooth! Remember Kallyr! Remember Aldachur! Gather, my daughters, outside of Dunstop. Assemble and await