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Showing posts from August, 2023

Ostraca at an Exhibition

 "Prince Argrath is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever met in my life."  -Harmast Fumblefingers, reformed Lunar, ten seconds after someone mentioned Argrath's name.  "They're putting phytoesrolians in the water that're turning the frickin' frogs gay!" -Iskandar Jonesius, of the Prince's household, commenting on Newtling marriage. "Don't you worry, Prince Argrath, these Seven Mothers hippie pinkos, faggots, and girldykes are incapable of knocking over a food cart, and we've got five thousand of the stormiest bullyboys ready to pound 'em into the gravel if they so much as think about a drum circle." -Iason Edgarios Hooveron, Director of Sartar Internal Security  "To all our wayward daughters: The day is arriving when we shall rise up and LIBERATE Dragon Pass from this Argrath Dragontooth! Remember Kallyr! Remember Aldachur! Gather, my daughters, outside of Dunstop. Assemble and await ...